Music: Digital Drug Therapy by Travis Tillery

Different music affects the electrical activity of the brain. The effects depend on the pitch, tone color and dynamics, rhythm, beats, melody, harmony, forms, and style. We can repeat or contrast sounds to stimulate our moods. Music is used in our society politically, economically, and socially. William Shakespeare stated “The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not mov’d with concord of sweet sounds is fit for treasons, strategems and spoils.”

Before the discovery of medications in the middle ages, the church used music as a powerful influence to sedate the hard working serfs. The music was chanted to calm the spirit. Singing was the only way to produce music, via a solo voice or a choir. After 1170, composers developed rhythm. Then in Paris at the time of the Renaissance, beautiful words were put to music to make melody. This practice spread all over Europe in Spanish, German, Italian and Dutch, using the organ and the harpsichord.

In the Baroque period of 1600-1750, music was the pivotal sound to elevate the mood of the aristocracy, especially the music of Johan Sebastian Bach. He was so hypnotic, that he would be jailed if he wanted to leave his job. Baroque music had one theme: Joy. The continuity of rhythm was repeated in a compelling manner to produce melody. This music was seen to calm the nerves in the body while it gave the mind great focus.

Similar musical effects are found today in electronic new age music and the Pop songs that I have composed. This music is designed to calm the nerves, while
helping young adults to think more clearly. The Alpha state can be reached and along with it, a feeling of mood elevation.  This music is in direct contrast to rock music that produces Beta Waves that can cause anxiety, anger and depression.

We need music in our lives, and the right kind of music to soothe our souls as well as our brains.

Travis Tillery - 

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